Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Study in Contrasts

One fine spring evening about a month ago I was working in my garden.  The weather was just right; not too hot and not too cold.  There was a soft breeze blowing.  Birds were chirping their "good-evening" songs.  The ambiance, coupled with the task of gardening created an atmosphere of peace.

From our back yard, I can see through our neighbor's yard to the street his house faces.  On the opposite side of the street is the large paved play area of what was once an elementary school.  As I enjoyed my tranquil evening, gunshots rang out on the street behind our house and to the west of us.  I heard shouts and then cries soon followed by the sound of sirens.  I glanced up and saw the silhouette of a teenage boy sprinting east across the old school lot.  Moments later I heard shouts of laughter and the smack of high-five congratulations coming from the park to the east of us.

All in all, the events were a disturbing study in contrasts.  First was the contrast between the peaceful evening sounds and the sounds of gunfire.  Second was the wailing cries coming from the west juxtaposed with the laughter coming from the east.  Third was the fact that though the train of events registered in my mind, other than mentally noting that the sirens meant that help was already on the way, I neither flinched nor stopped what I was doing.  It only occurred to me belatedly that maybe I should have ducked in case of random stray bullets.  It only occurred to me belatedly that in contrast to the safety of my relatively sheltered childhood, I have become a woman who is indifferent to the sound of gunshots.

In retrospect, I find myself clinging to one final contrast.  There is someone whose light penetrates even to the dark places in this world, whose love overcomes the hate, whose existence causes hope to overcome the hopelessness. Please pray for us as we strive to be His hands and feet in this neighborhood. 

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